Push To Talk (PTT) solutions
Modern communication technologies like TASSTA have a profound impact on a variety of business processes and help to improve the quality and efficiency of communication, and lower the costs. The use of advanced TASSTA communication solution can give an organization a competitive advantage. In addition, TASSTA might be an essential element in the strategic plan of many organizations.

Modern Push To Talk (PTT) solution today it is TASSTA. TASSTA offers a Push-to-Talk solution which uses all technical capacities of ordinary smartphones. TASSTA provides a full package of Individual, Group and Priority Calls, Messages including Data Transfer, Voice Recording, GPS and In-House Tracking, Alarm, Emergency Solutions, Push to Video and task management and many other features.

By connecting to the public IP network TASSTA customers have no geographical limitation. By standard hardware each organization is able to prepare for a convenient day-to-day business by reasonably investing in TASSTA solutions and technology.
Web-based application to control resources and services on TASSTA servers T.COMMANDER, TASSTA’s standalone solution for government organizations and enterprises with their own inhouse server STANDALONE.

Push-to-Talk is more than only two-way radiocommunication. Group communication is included in TASSTA’s solution features for smartphones, PCs or two-way devices. TASSTA Push-To-Talk Solution eliminates the bounds of all your communications. You can have the most efficient way to communicate to your team, with broadband, WiFi and the best carrier, device and application options.

Modern communication technologies like TASSTA have a profound impact on a variety of business processes and help to improve the quality and efficiency of communication, and lower the costs.

In order to provide to our customers wider range of possibilities for working with TASSTA advanced PTT solutions, we have expanded the functionalities of the TASSTA system.
Nowdays TASSTA is integrated with:
IntellQ VIS Facial Recognition System
GPS Fleet Management systems (e.g. TraCar)
TETRA PMR systems

For additional questions about TASSTA, IntellQ VIS, GPS tracking solutions and and TETRA integratin, feel free to contact us via our contact form or in any other way which is convenient for you.